Best Opt | URLs | Title | Meta description | How to make dollar on SEO

Modern buyers gathering knowledge/info about products and brands through a web search. SEO importance comes first. Page Image Content URL Page speeds mobile Conversion rate Explain Image SEO-friendly Content

AI surfing relevant content through Local Search and Nearby BIZ in the forms of search results: Organic, Text, PPC ads, Audios, Videos, Podcast all is Contents

All contents must be optimized. Well-optimized sites get more and more traffic over time, and that means more leads and sales Dollars. Without SEO, searchers won’t be able to find your site, and all your hard work will be for nothing.

This is Basic HTML works must have to know by all SEO Social Digital marketers. We may say on-page optimization SEO factors.

How to BOOAST | YOUR SEO Traffic | with perfectly optimized contents

Writing content and subsequently customizing to attract our Customers, Readers, and Fans Followers to reach out easily. Customization and Optimization of content is the PRIME job. The Primary Contents Optimization for whom?  Simple answer, Search Engines Machine…and Searchers Human

Some babies don’t like to drink Fresh Milk. While not that colorful and tasty. Moms find the ways and means how their baby Likes MILK. Babies like Chocolates MUCH! So, simple customizing or optimizing some MILK and Chocolate= MILK shake. That’s Fruity CLICKABLE, Friendly- E-A-T able, OK!

Taking the example our main job is to make SEARCH ENGINE-friendly contents optimizations. Alike babies Search engines have their own TASTE to find and serve the search query results SERPs. There are so many Tics and techniques involved to make it good for a good snippet E-A-T by searchers. They take 1 second time to E-A-T or CLICK on search ranks 1-3 or 4-10 on the First page. Or bounce back.  So, I think YOU got it? Beginners LIKE babies. My job is to make it easy to understand to readers or SEO beginners MILK SHARE.  

Reasons why out of our prime topic SEO, let’s segregate “O” to discuss first on Optimizations comes the last digit First. Let’s make an OPIMICATION milkshake for Search Engines. Make it machine-readable and acceptable to E-A-T. Search Engine is food tester before serving to the table they TASTE first before serve or SERP.

Have a look at my HEADLINE I used “Best Opt |”, Opt short form of Optimization. Why? Before beginning the post, I go for Headline Analyzer to optimize my headline for making it searchable and readable to E-A-T.

Using Opt- word count was 70- allowable limit and score high- 91. If I used Optimization- that cross the limit 79! And my score went down to 85!! You see I used (l) instead of (-) which is also part of analyzing tactics. I have puttied lots of links from the competent authority both on-page and in my resource section below the post.   

Well, all tags are very important to SEO, remember that your first job is to attract clicks from well-targeted visitors who are likely to find your content valuable. It’s vital to think about the entire user experience when you’re creating your title tags, in addition to optimization and keyword usage. The title tag is a visitor’s first interaction with your brand when they find it in a search result — it should convey the most positive and accurate message possible.

Not surprisingly, since SEO is in its title, SEO page titles have a strong impact on the optimization of your site.  You’re mainly keeping FOCUS on page’s likelihood of showing up on the first page in the SERP On-Page SEO Basic

URLs Headers Meta Descriptions Body Copy Image Alt & Filename Images & ALT Text

This is all about SEO friendliness…10 Most Important Meta Tags You Need to Know for SEO

Some tags are vital for SEO. Others have little or no impact on rankings. Here’s every type of meta tag you need to know about:

  1. Title Tags
  2. Meta Description Tags
  3. Heading Tags (H1-H6)
  4. Image Alt Attributes
  5. Nofollow Attributes
  6. Robots Meta Tag
  7. rel=”canonical” Link Tag
  8. Schema Markup
  9. Social Media Meta Tags
  10. Viewport Meta Tag

Summary- All ALT Tags are HTML. ALT means Alteration and HyperText Markup Language. What Hype- the mark up from us to present the TEXT we used to read as if…

Why HTML- Search Engines are HUGE machines, and HTML the language of machines to read our command. Search Engine is Machine made by man, and RUN through instructions given by the man to show the results- SERPs!!  To make it machine E-A-Table Milk Shake. Machines are AI BABY!!

Key Takeaway- 1 second CLICK away to SELL you otherwise bounced! YOUR all efforts became ZERO!! Don’t destruct YOUR time and energies for nothing… got it?  

Read this beautiful article all about optimization of all other contents. These are all about HTML FAQs but we must have to know for total OPTIMIZATION aspects.

  • Alt text (alternative text) is a word or phrase that can be inserted as an attribute in an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) document to tell Web site viewers the nature or contents of an image. The alt text appears in a blank box that would normally contain the image.
  • Ahrefs ALT Text : You can create alternative text (Alt Text) for shapes, pictures, charts, SmartArt graphics, or other objects in your Office document. Alt Text helps people with visual impairments understand pictures and other graphical content. When someone uses a screen reader to view documents, they will hear Alt Text; without Alt Text, they will only know they’ve reached a picture without knowing what the picture shows.

Optimizing for Accessibility + SEO: Images, Video, and Non-Text Elements

Image Alt Text: What It Is, How to Write It, and Why It Matters to SEO

Alt Text- What is alt text?

Why Is Alt Text Important for Image SEO?

Alt text (alternative text) describes an image on a web page. It lives in HTML code and is not usually visible on the page itself.

But what’s so important about alt text? And how can you use it to improve SEO and user experience?

One second to sell yourself- to make a Dollar! Having the “…” appear in the SERP is not a good practice for drawing new users into your site. 

Once you know this, it’s easy to understand why your keyword must find a place within the tags. Google perceives this content as most relevant for the search and this will likely improve your search engine rankings.

To say that heading tags are crucial for SEO rankings would be overstating it. To say that heading tags add SEO value is more appropriate. In the last few years, more weightage is being given to authoritative content as a ranking factor. However, Google finds the keywords more easily, if they are wrapped in heading tags. And hence heading tags are an important on-page SEO factor that you do not want to overlook while optimizing your web pages.

How to BOOST | SEO Traffic | Look Magic of optimized contents

To keep it concise I have used some screenshots out of my SEO training that I have completed recently.  I am not an author or an expert. I am an ever-LEARNING and would like to share learning experiences with you. SEVEN Magic wonders:

  1. Improving Metrics- “power words” in the titles to increase CTR
  2. On-page ranking factors to consider
  3. On-page Optimization
  4. Title Tag is like the sign at the front of physical store that create your attention to get in… here online to create CTR
  5. Meta- description a like a MENU that keep in front of you to choose and order conversation
  6. ALT tags easy to read and understands
  7. Search Engines are not human. Help them “see” images naming them correctly


Relevancy- keeps on track

Friendliness- easy to read for man and machine that generate clicks, CTR, and 1 vote for YOU! Many votes to win in SERPs RANKING-1, CTR brings results and Revenue

Goal- use the MAGIC of optimization to sell that drive our goal success the ULTIMATE Make $$$ Dollar. To develop our career goal by learning and practicing… to transform a business that creates more jobs for others to come in the job market…

Read SEO Posts:

Study an SEO guide such as my “SEO How-to” series. Other helpful and free beginner SEO guides include Moz’s “The Beginner’s Guide to SEO,” Search Engine Land’s “Guide to SEO,” and Google’s “Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide.” For quick updates on SEO changes, try two YouTube channels: Moz’s “Whiteboard Friday” and “Google Webmasters.” Also, read trusted SEO blogs.

Ask Questions

If you are stuck, ask questions in one of the many SEO communities. Google’s Webmaster Forum is a helpful place to start. Participants include Google employees, SEO professionals, marketers, and developers. Other popular forums are WebmasterWorld Forum and Moz’s Q&A Forum. Facebook and LinkedIn also have SEO communities.

Twitter is a popular vehicle to ask the SEO community for advice. Make sure to include a hashtag such as #seo, #seoquestion to increase your chances of being seen by someone who can help.

Never forget, however, that there’s a lot of SEO misinformation. Try to vet the source.

How Do Search Engines Work | Why Actually we Should Care | Baba HomeHow to become an SEO expert | Right mentor makes | Easy | Simple | WFH

Coming Post- Stay with us and continue reading posts

Next coming soon: Chapter/4: SEO Basics- Learn how to set websites up for SEO success, the FOUR Pillars of SEO. Stay tuned and stay safe at home reading and LEARNING online WFH… Best…

Published by lekuctg

Freedom and friend lover Lover- A Blogger, pleader of YOUTH employment generation and empowering through Remote work from home- jobs opportunities. Freedom fever- 21-century fortune re-imaging and re-defining your work/life balance from home without commuting! It’s not surprising that more people are leaving the 9–5 routine behind to pursue their passion. Anyone can work remotely thanks to the internet and the latest technological tools. Follow us @babaohome @odesh key Words/Hashtags #WorkFomHome #VirtualJobs #FlexiJobs #RmoteJobs #OnlineJobs #Telecommuting and stay tuned to LEARN AND EARN from the comfort of your home.

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